The Paia MIDI2CV8 uses the classic 5-pin DIN connector for MIDI. This project looks to replace the 5-pin DIN input with a USB input. The Teensy 4.1 development board is my choice for handling the USB host duties and MIDI processing.
First iteration involved the Teensy and an Adafruit MCP4728 Quad DAC breakout board on breadboard.
Second iteration kept closer to the Paia design: I essentially copy and pasted the Paia design, but replaced the old microcontroller with the Teensy. I used the same DAC and time division multiplexing as the Paia.
I added some custom MIDI code to control the Akai APCmini which accepts MIDI messages to control its LEDs, as shown in the pictures.
Next the prototype box will need to get converted to a module for my system. The prototype box in the pictures uses 1/4” jacks to interface with a MOTM modular synth I demoed at NYU. This box provided 4 sequenced gate outputs, programmed with the Akai APCmini, driving a 4 voice analog drum patch.